Antwerp Getaway terminal introduces additional charge per booked time slot
We would like to inform you that as from Thursday the 6th of June, DP World will introduce an additional charge of 14 euros (excl. VAT) per booked time slot for trucks between 6 am and 8 pm at the Antwerp Gateway terminal.
Dear partner,
We would like to inform you that as from Thursday the 6th of June, DP World will introduce an additional charge of 14 euros (excl. VAT) per booked time slot for trucks between 6 am and 8 pm at the Antwerp Gateway terminal. According to DP World, they intend to spread truck handlings over the entire 24-hour day frame of the terminal with this measure.
Any booked time slots must be paid for immediately, including cancellations. The transport and logistics department of Zuidnatie are beyond their control being confronted with this measure as well. Please understand that unfortunately, this surcharge needs to be invoiced to our principals (without margin). This additional cost ultimately being under risk and for account of cargo interested parties.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Read more about the news here: https://www.belganewsagency.eu/container-terminal-at-antwerp-port-will-discourage-trucks-during-peak-hours