HSSEQ Policy
Zuidnatie, an important player regarding cargo handling and related logistic services in the Port of Antwerp, commits itself to working towards an ultimate policy of zero harm to people and the environment. Our business activities are conducted in a manner that as far as possible will protect people and environment, and take preventive actions for avoiding or at least minimising:
- human suffering and personal injury
- material damages
- environmental impact
This policy has been established on the conviction that concern for the safety of our employees and guardianship of the environment are essential to the current success of the company, for the future growth of our organization and for each interested party affiliated with our organization.
Zuidnatie acknowledges the principle that safety is a condition of employment.
Zuidnatie recognises its role in the supply chain and in global warming through the consumption of natural resources, and the resulting emissions of greenhouse gases. Environmental protection and management are therefore important considerations in all our activities, in which the reuse of natural resources, materials and energy is essential.
In all its activities, Zuidnatie opts for sustainability, to achieve a balance between the environment, the society and the economy.
Policy Statement
To achieve abovementioned purposes and principles, Zuidnatie shall:
- Comply with all national and local health, safety and environmental legislation.
- Identify and evaluate all health, safety and environmental hazards and establish controls and techniques to manage the associated risks to acceptable levels and exploit possible opportunities. Risk Assessments should be updated whenever significant change in the working environment occurs. Special attention is given to controlling those hazards that represent the greatest potential damage.
- Strive for continuous improvement by establishing health, safety and environment objectives and measurable targets.
- Measure, analyse and communicate the progress on health, safety and environmental improvements throughout our organisation.
- Make use of health, safety and environmental management systems which comply with all aspects of the internationally-recognised certification systems on safety management (ISO 45001) and on environmental management (ISO 14001) to the level of “remain certified” as a minimum.
- Strive to prevent pollution or at least reduce emissions and wastes to air, water and land, as well as the preservation of natural resources.
- Not only from its employees but also require from its contractors and visitors to comply with all health, safety and environmental requirements, as well as work with our partners to achieve comparable health, safety and environmental standards.
- Supply and maintain safe equipment.
- Provide appropriate health, safety and environmental training for all staff at all levels.
- Take a stance of zero tolerance towards conditions and behaviours that contribute to workplace incidents and environmental damage, as well as those which have a negative impact towards the company.
- Provide resources in line with the priority that the company values on health, safety and environment.
- Take into account factors that influence health, safety and environment in investment and purchasing decisions. Opt for sustainability and modern, green, technologies. Reduce the ecological footprint, while always keeping in mind a thorough life-cycle perspective.
- Submit at least annually a report regarding the matters related to this policy to senior management and have this policy reviewed according to the dynamic risk management system.
In line with the policy above, the following commitments are made:
- All management will visibly and consistently uphold the principles and requirements of this policy and integrate them throughout the company. The executive management team will regularly review health, safety and environmental performance.
- The management and supervisory staff shall provide all means necessary to comply with this policy, including the implementation and maintenance of a health, safety and environmental management system. The smooth functioning thereof is crucial.
- Every responsible will be trained and held accountable for complying with the principles of this policy and related standards, procedures, practices, instructions and rules.
- Every employee is expected to contribute to making this policy work in order to protect both his own and other’s health and safety. Only with the joint effort from everyone, the desired result can be achieved.
- In all our procedures, projects and working methods, act environmentally friendly and according to the life-cycle principle. As such through the use of solar energy, environmentally friendly vehicles and work equipment, the optimization of transport flows, and by preventing waste through thorough sorting, recycling and reuse for useful applications (such as processing used wood into pellets).
Through the active participation and commitment of all our employees, we will strive to meet and exceed the requirements of this policy.