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Fumiport provides a logistical solution in combination with fumigation services for your commodities. As regulations for fumigations will be more strict in the future, due to the survival of more pests, Fumiport will advise and help you in the best way possible for your cargo. Fumiport is located at 3 strategical locations in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges (Zuidnatie terminals).

Logistics (fumigation areas and warehouses) can be a challenge for most commodities that need to be fumigated. Multiple modality is of huge importance of the services surrounding commodities pre- and after fumigation. Fumiport can offer barge in and out services to all 3 terminals as well as trucking, on one terminal we can even provide services by rail.

For all containerized cargo (closed boxes) Fumiport offers multiple fumigation areas with all services provided for re-delivery to the quays in Antwerp, Rotterdam or even ports in Germany.

For all fumigations that have to be performed in warehouses such as soft commodities (cocoa, coffee, rice, tabacco,…) and BMSB fumigations (project cargo, open top containers, flat tracks,…), or even just storing your good(s), Fumiport can provide!

Do not hesitate to contact us.